______ __________ \ / /\/ _____/_______ / __/___/ \_____ /_ _ / / ( / /\ \ /_\ /_/ / \ / \/ \ / \ / (_______/___/\___\_/ \/ \/ \/ ______ /\_ _/\ \ //_______ \ \/\/ / / /\//\\__ __/ \ / \ /\/ / /_)\ //____ \_/\_/ .\_\ (___//_____///.. \ /\/ \/ \/ / "Which came first.. the chicken or the egg?" - we at the Word believe, it was the rooster! Thank god I can finally put another issue of The Word to bed. I always seem to start work on the next issue several days before the deadline. When will I learn? Oh well.. if you've gotten this far then you've probably finished reading it. What did you think? Why not give us some feedback. We'd appreciate it. I'm starting to get settled in Ipswich now so by the time you do get around to this I'll of probably located all the local dives and hangouts and those places Dave Diamond writes about.. Over the last few days while finishing this issue I decided to cruise the internet to check out what the other scene groups are up to these days. I was amazed to find that not every group is as dormant as I first assumed, they just moved onto the internet. I have to say that I was pretty damn impressed with their groups homepages. It made my little HTML v2 jobbie look weak in comparrison. Luckily for me I've been doing HTML v3, PERL and JAVA at work so expect a radical change on the Carnage web page within the next week. It'll probably have a cyberpunk theme to reflect my current state of mind but I'll make good use of what I've learnt in order to make it more dynamic. Keep surfing.. Yep. From this issue, if you can't be bothered to turn on your Amiga at home you can use your school/work computer to read the Word! Just point your browser to the Word's web site. A piece of news that crossed my desk today is that the Word got a mention in August's edition of Amiga Format. I believe it's on page 10 but as I haven't seen a copy yet, I cannot comment. Today is 27/08/97. According to the internet, it is the day the fictional AI computer system SKYNET of the Terminator films came alive. Kei of Carnage, July 1997 ## ## ## # ## ######## ## ##::::::# # ## ##::::::::::# # #::::::::::::## # #::::::::::::#::# # #:::::::::::::#:::# #:::::::::::::::::# #:::::::::::::::::#:# #:::::::::::::::::#:# #::::::::::::::::::::# #:::::::::::::::::::::# #::::::::::::::::::::::# #####:::#####::::::::::# # #:# ##:::::::::# # ## #::::::::# # ## # #::::::::# # # # #:::::::# # # #::::#::# X#### ## #:::##:## #::::# ## #::#:#::# #:::::# #::#:## # #:::::## #:::::# # #:::::::## X#::::::# # #:::::::::##::::::#:# ##########::::::::## #:::::::::::##:::::::# #::::::::::::::#::::#:# ##::::::::::::####::### #:::::::::::## ##:::# ##::::::::## # ##:::# #### ##### ####:::# # # # #:#::::## # # # #::#::::# # # #####:::#::::# ## #####::::::##::::## # ##:::::::::#:::::# # ###::::::#::::## # ##::###::::# # # ####X::::# # # #::::::## # # ##:::::# # # ##::::# ## ## ##::::# # # ## ## ### #::## # ## ### # ###::### # #:# # ## ###::###### #:#::#::#::# # # # ### #::#::#::#::# #::#::#::#::# #::#::#::##::# # #########::#::#::######################::#::#::#:######### #::#::### See you next issue! ###::#::# ## ## ## ## end |